Drabant-Pattern Heavy Tank
The Drabant-Pattern Heavy Tank is an archaic vehicle builts around the simple ideas of attrition warfare. Have thicker armor than the enemy. Have a bigger gun than the enemy. Have more guns than the enemy.
These simply tenets have seen the Drabant tank succeed in traditional trench and tank warfare, though it suffers in asymetrical warfare where infantry support can become an issue.
On the battlefield's of Skara Prime, it was used to great effect by the regiments there in. Using legions of Drabants in a curtain of steel as a moving wall of guns, the regiments plowed through the northern oblasts to encircle their enemies captured cities. The orchestra of hellish rain the Drabant wailed out folded the heretical lines as one would walk through water.
This multi-part kit comes with a variety of weapon and attachment options, all of which are magnetized by 3x1mm & 5x2mm magnets.
Model measures 190mm x 120mm x ~80mm
-2 variations of track guards.
- Removable hatch for a tank commander.
- Remote CROWS style weapons system. Comes in single & twin-linked.
- Simple push-to-fit design.
-All weapons and turret accessories are fully magnetized.
- Matches size of similar tanks in wargames as a proxy.
- Turrets are cross compatible between the majority of my models, enabling you to switch them out for crazy kitbashing (IE, this turret can be put on the chassis of the Fenrir tank or Charon Apc and vise versa). This models hull is extremely large compared to the rest of MaelstromDesignworks models, so this is mostly for loose Proxy/meme purposes :P.
This model will come scaled to tabletop 28/32mm standard. It will be posted unpainted and unassembled.
All models are printed in a high 12K resin quality.
All models have had their supports removed. They have been washed and cured and are ready to prime and paint.
However, some supports may still be left and it may require minor cleanup.