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Grim Rugged Rider
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The Rugged Rider Armoured Battle Bike comes with a lance, front mounted laser pistol, headlamp(can be removed if you want to add another weapon of your own), and numerous options for wheels or tracks including the full-track, or half-track and 3 wheel designs to choose from. The front wheel has some movement to allow for steering. These models are sized for 28mm wargaming and will fit on a bike/cavalry base.



Length is 141mm. Width is 72mm.

Height without turret is 57mm.

Height with turret is 68mm.

Unity Type



 This model will come scaled to tabletop 28/32mm standard. It will be posted unpainted and unassembled.

All models are printed in a high 12K resin quality.

All models have had their supports removed. They have been washed and cured and are ready to prime and paint.

However, some supports may still be left and it may require minor cleanup.

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