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Hussar-Pattern Heavy Tank

The Hussar-Pattern Heavy Tank is an archaic, fast-moving, wall of cool plasteel, used by many regiments using armoured tactics to create fast attack tank brigades over no-man's-land. Capable of being outfitted with all many of ancient and modern weaponry (with proper Tech Priest blessing), it can find any niche on the battlefield and fill it. From volume of bolter fire to the devastating Volkite cannon to the more tradional battle cannon, many regiments rely on it's ability to be reactive in switching its armaments in preperations of new battle field conditions. 

This multi-part kit comes with a variety of weapon and attachment options, all of which are magnetized by 5x2mm magnets, designed for resin printing in mind.


- Removable hatch for a tank commander.
- Remote CROWS style weapons system. Comes in single & twin-linked.
- Simple, easy push-to-fit design.
-All weapons and turret accessories are fully magnetized.
- Matches size of similar tanks in wargames as a proxy.

Vehicle Type



 This model will come scaled to tabletop 28/32mm standard. It will be posted unpainted and unassembled.

All models are printed in a high 12K resin quality.

All models have had their supports removed. They have been washed and cured and are ready to prime and paint.

However, some supports may still be left and it may require minor cleanup.

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