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Jötnar MMV
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The Jötnar-Pattern MMV is a specialized variant of more common platforms, suited especially for heavily forested and deep swamp lands due to its wider tracks, unique forward seated cab, and convenient ability to launch its payload as any elevation.

Known colloquially among its crew as 'Troll Killer', the Jötnar exceeds at mass destruction, area denial, and also as a warning to anything dumb enough to cross into it's firing range, which is considerable. While considered a liability by many more mobile regiments, the Jötnar is favored by commanders with a certain sense of 'style' and want to make a statement.


The Armatures and 'Deploying' Missile system are fully functional, and the missile is removable


This kit is is extremely modular. It features...

- Removable hatch for a tank commander.
- Remote CROWS style weapons system.

- Multiple weapon systems.


It also uses magnet holes for loadout changes using 3x1 and 5x2 magnets.



 This model will come scaled to tabletop 28/32mm standard. It will be posted unpainted and unassembled.

All models are printed in a high 12K resin quality.

All models have had their supports removed. They have been washed and cured and are ready to prime and paint.

However, some supports may still be left and it may require minor cleanup.

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